super mario bros movie leaked

 A bunch of images have popped up online for The Super Mario Bros. Movie, and we may have a look at another character.

Photos have been appearing on websites such as 4chan. It’s unclear what the original source is, but all signs point to the images being legitimate. Aside from showing off the main cast – including Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, and Toad – we also have a look at another character. If you’re looking to maintain the surprise, keep that in mind before proceeding.

Most of the posters are just alternate views of what you’ve already seen in the first Mario Bros. trailer that released in October. Yep, 3D Mario and Luigi look like 3D Mario and Luigi. That’s Toad, yeah. Nice harem pants, looking very well-ventilated. Peach strikes me as one of the more detailed characters, with defined curls in her hair and polished cotton puff sleeves, compared to Mario’s flat red work shirt. But it’s a known fact that only girls can cast shadow, so maybe that’s why.

The second poster reveal is an image of Mario and the gang with Bowser in the background. Perhaps most interesting is what appears to be the first proper look at Princess Peach

While that image alone would be cause for excitement, it also features a character that has yet to be announced for the movie: Pauline! The character first appeared alongside Mario in the original Donkey Kong arcade game, and has seen a bit of a renaissance over the last few years thanks to her appearance in Super Mario Odyssey. Pauline can be seen in the back right of the image near the barbershop. While the poster certainly looks authentic, readers should take it with a grain of salt until we get official confirmation.

Ahead of the film’s second trailer, it seems some promotional materials for the Super Mario Bros. Movie have leaked online.

Princess Peach’s design in The Super Mario Bros. Movie has been leaked ahead of today’s trailer, showing fans exactly what the iconic monarch will look like in the film.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie has had some new details leaked by an unlikely source. Pictures from a McDonald's toy pamphlet have seemingly leaked the look of Anya Taylor-Joy's Princess Peach in the film.

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