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 Dilllon Danis, an IBJJF world champion at the colored belts and ADCC veteran with a 2-0 MMA record, has had to pull out of his upcoming boxing match with Youtuber KSI. The fight was scheduled for January 14th at Wembley Arena in London. KSI's

Conor McGregor’s relationship with Artem Lobov resembled a brotherhood. McGregor was always in Lobov’s corner shouting instructions and pulling strings to get Lobov a contract with Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).

 Conversely, Lobov was always putting in work for the Irish star as a sparring partner, and he beat up Paulie Malignaggi in a bare knuckle boxing match as part of the feud between the boxer and McGregor. Never forget: Lobov getting slapped was the origin for the infamous UFC 223 dolly incident.

Danis has done far more clout chasing than actual fighting, with the 29-year-old not competing since he submitted a 3-3 journeyman almost three years ago. With his lack of actual competition and rather unappealing online persona, Danis naturally got a lot of flack for pulling out of another bout.

Interestingly enough, he was trashed by boxers, MMA fighters, grapplers and YouTubers alike for this latest blunder.


Born to a Honduran mother and raised in Parsippany–Troy Hills, New Jersey, Danis attended Parsippany Hills High School and started wrestling there as a freshman, despite the fact that he "couldn't do one pushup".He started training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at the age of 15 after he was involved in a fight at school. 

At 17, Danis started making trips to Marcelo Garcia's academy in New York and at 19 he eventually moved to New York in order to actively pursue a career in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. After wins at various high-level tournaments he was rewarded his black belt at 19 years of age.

In 2016, Danis came to light in the mixed martial arts community when he was asked join the training camp of UFC fighter Conor McGregor as a coach and training partner ahead of his rematch against Nate Diaz at UFC 202.

Danis was scheduled to face KSI in a crossover boxing match on January 14, 2023.However, Danis withdrew on January 4 with Mams Taylor confirming the reason being that he is "underprepared, he Danis has no coach, he might be struggling with weight."

KSI’s team announced Wednesday that the YouTuber’s Jan. 14 clash with Danis, which was to take place at Wembley Arena in London, has been canceled, with KSI’s manager Mams Taylor claiming that Danis withdrew due to being “underprepared” and “struggling with weight.” Instead, KSI is set to fight pro gamer FaZe Temperrr.


With Danis not having fought in any capacity since 2019, his fellow fighters and social media personalities were quick to jump onto Twitter to take their shot at the brash Danis. Former UFC, Bellator, and ONE Championship standout Ben Askren called Danis’ withdrawal “the most predictable news ever” and current UFC lightweight contender joked that “Dillon Danis parents are gonna be so mad he can’t pay his half of the rent this month.”

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