maia arson crime leaked

 maia arson crimew (formerly Tillie Kottmann, and also known as deletescape and antiproprietary; born August 7, 1999) is a Swiss developer and computer hacker. Crimew worked in information technology as a teenager, becoming the founding developer of Lawnchair Launcher, a popular application launcher for Android.

She is known for having leaked source code and other data from companies such as Intel and Nissan and was part of a group that hacked into Verkada in March 2021 and accessed more than 150,000 cameras. Crimew has cited anarchism, anti-capitalism, and her opposition to the concept of intellectual property as the motives for her hacking.

The hacker, maia arson crimew, told the Daily Dot that the exposed infrastructure could have allowed a bad actor to “completely own” the airline. The server was taken offline prior to publication, after the Daily Dot flagged it to CommuteAir, which told the outlet in a statement that the server was used for testing and development purposes. 

In its own statement, the TSA said that it was “aware of a potential cybersecurity incident with CommuteAir, and we are investigating in coordination with our federal partners

foreign hacker obtained an old copy of the U.S. government's Terrorist Screening Database and "no fly" list from an unsecured server belonging to a commercial airline. The Swiss hacker known as "maia arson crimew" blogged Thursday that she discovered the Transportation Security Administration "no fly" list from 2019 and a trove of data belonging to CommuteAir on an unsecured Amazon Web Services cloud server used by the airline.

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