south london girl stabbed video

 South london girl stabbed video.woman has been rushed to hospital after she was stabbed at an address on a South London estate. Police arrived at the scene on the Dog Kennel Hill Estate, Southwark, at around 11pm on February 2. The woman was found to have suffered stab injuries and she was taken to hospital.

Her injuries were deemed to be not life-threatening or life-changing and enquiries into the incident are ongoing.

 An 18-year-old woman has been arrested today (February 4) in connection with the incident and she remains in custody. A Met Police spokesperson said: "Police were called by the London Ambulance Service at around 11pm on Thursday February 2 to reports of a stabbing at and address on the Dog Kennel Hill Estate, SE22.

 A woman was taken to hospital suffering stab injuries which were assessed as not life-threatening or life-changing.

"Enquiries are ongoing led by detectives from the Met's Central South Basic Command Unit. They are aware of the video and this will form part of the ongoing investigation.

"On Saturday February 4 an 18-year-old woman was arrested in connection with the incident. She remains in custody.

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