Annie Donovan baby vape video

 Annie Donovan, making her 11-month-old baby try vape is being widely circulated on the internet, and has left netizens enraged.

As soon as they saw the video, netizens expressed their anger about it and reported the video on Facebook, where it was originally shared. As they condemned Annie Donovan's actions, some users called her "disgusting" and said that the baby deserves better.The video was shared on Facebook by Donovan, where she can be seen bringing the vape pen to the baby's mouth. The infant inhales from it before coughing and exhaling the smoke as Annie Donovan is heard laughing and saying "It's so funny."It was reported that the infant was taken to a hospital after being given a vape by the mother, Annie Donovan. The update was shared on social media by a user named Bonnie-j Dn.

On the post, netizens commented that while they weren't able to get over the child being given a vape, they were glad that the infant was taken to a hospital.A recent study done on 600 pregnant women found that pregnant women who vape are more likely to suffer miscarriages. The authors of the study mentioned that chemicals used to flavor vapes could cause inflammation in the body and damage cells as one potential mechanism behind the rise in riskOn the post, netizens remarked that while they couldn’t move past the youngster being given a vape, they were happy that the baby was taken to an emergency clinic.

A great deal of data isn’t accessible online about Annie Donovan. Nonetheless, in light of the profile what shared the video, netizens accept that she is a youngster mother. This was affirmed by a video report by 7NewsAdelaide, which likewise showed the video.Annie Donovan is a woman who has recently come under fire for a video showing her giving a baby a vape. According to her Twitter profile, she is a senior advisor for the impact investing firm The Rise Fund Source. She has also worked as the CEO of the Coop Foundation and as the director of the Citi Foundation.In the video, Annie Donovan can be seen holding a baby and bringing a vape pen to the baby’s mouth Source. The baby appears to inhale from the vape pen, and Donovan can be heard saying “That’s so funny.” The video has sparked widespread outrage and concern for the baby’s health and safety.Giving a baby a vape can have serious health consequences. The chemicals in vape juice can be toxic, and the nicotine in the vape juice can be addictive. In addition, babies have delicate lungs that can be easily damaged by inhaling smoke or vapor Source. The incident involving Annie Donovan has raised concerns about the safety of the baby and the potential long-term effects of vaping on the child’s health.The video has sparked widespread outrage and concern on social media, with many people calling for Donovan to be held accountable for her actions Source. In addition, 7 News Sydney has reported on the incident and interviewed experts about the risks of vapingThe public is outraged by Annie Donovan’s video, in which she is seen giving a vape pen to a baby, an unacceptable act that has raised questions about her parenting style. The incident has also sparked concerns about the safety of vaping and its potential consequences

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