buffalo firefighter death

 A firefighter died inside a burning commercial building in downtown Buffalo, New York, on Wednesday, where a fire and sudden blast sent flames and smoke billowing into the street.The firefighter was reported missing shortly after crews arrived at the building, which held a theatrical costumes shop. 

Renaldo said the situation quickly deteriorated and firefighters had to evacuate to escape the collapsing interior.

A young firefighter was killed Wednesday after an inferno inside a Buffalo costume shop exploded, trapping him inside, officials said.The rest of our firefighters on the scene were able to safely evacuate and unfortunately, 

he was not able to,” he said at an afternoon news conference.Mayor Byron Brown confirmed the death Wednesday afternoon.The firefighter — who has yet to be identified — was about 30 feet inside the burning DC Theatricks shop at 10 a.m. when a partial collapse set off by a backdraft pinned him to the ground, according to Fire Commissioner William Renaldo.

The bright orange flames smashed glass and sent debris flying onto the street, with one large piece striking one firefighter harshly enough to knock them over.Investigators believe the blaze was sparked when the torch flames escaped through holes in the motor and set fire to a considerable pile of paper products and other fuel that was inside the building on the opposite side of the wall.

Renaldo said it was possible the fire was smoldering for some time before it rapidly grew into the deadly four-alarm inferno..

“I am deeply saddened to report that a member of the Buffalo Fire Department has lost his life while bravely fighting the four-alarm fire on Main Street in Downtown Buffalo today,” he said in a statement. “I ask everyone to keep the family and fellow firefighters in your prayers.

Brown ordered flags on city buildings lowered to half-staff.The cause of the fire is under investigation. Renaldo said workers were using blowtorches on the building’s exterior before the fire and that heat may have transferred through brick or mortar to the interior and ignited paper or other combustibles.

Firefighter Jason Arno was found dead Wednesday inside a badly burned brick building in the city’s downtown, several hours after he radioed a mayday call and then went quiet as the fire raged.

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