hugh grant twitter

 Ashley Graham may be entitled to financial compensation following an awkward red carpet interaction with rom-com legend Hugh Grant at the 2023 Oscars. In a clip that's since gone viral, Graham—who co-hosted ABC's Oscars pre-show with the help of Vanessa Hudgens and Lilly Singh—can be seen struggling to elicit more than a few words at a time from the notoriously curmudgeonly actor, who presented two awards at tonight's ceremony. Tell us you don’t want to be at the Oscars without telling us you don’t want to be at the Oscars. Well, Hugh Grant made a spectacle of himself during ABC’s Countdown to the Oscars pre-show with host Ashley Graham. He just didn’t love the questions being thrown his way and it made the moment awkward and uncomfortable to watch.

Here’s what you missed if you weren’t watching the pre-show.The interview starts innocuously, with Graham asking standard red carpet questions, like Grant's favorite thing about the Oscars. “It’s fascinating," he responds. "The whole of humanity is here. It’s Vanity Fair.” Thinking Grant is referring to the magazine's annual Oscars afterparty instead of the 1848 novel of the same name, Graham says, “Yes, that’s where we let loose and have a little bit of fun!” But from that point on, Grant seems to grow more annoyed with each passing second. The model makes a last-ditch effort to connect by giving Grant a chance to talk about his brief appearance in Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery—one of the films nominated in the best adapted screenplay category. “Well, I’m barely in it," he says dismissively. “I’m in it for about 3 seconds.” "Yeah, but still, you showed up and you had fun right?" Graham continues. “Almost," Grant deadpans. 

Seemingly having run out of time and patience, Graham hastily thanks Grant for his time. "It was nice to talk to you," she concludes before quickly turning back to the camera, effectively ending the conversation. As Hugh Grant turns around to walk, he appears to roll his eyes. Fans flocked to Twitter to react to Hugh Grant's awkward interview with Ashley Graham on the Oscar Awards red carpet (via TooFab)

Fans flocked to Twitter to react to Hugh Grant's awkward interview with Ashley Graham on the Oscar Awards red carpet.When the model thanked the actor for the short interview, it was striking that Hugh Grant made a facial gesture when leaving, which made users uncomfortable on social networks.

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