Jeff Molina Leaked video

 UFC star Jeff Molina has been forced to come out as bisexual after a video was leaked of a man, alleged to be him, performing a sex act on another man. Molina broke his silence after the clip made the rounds on the internet.A trending video featuring MMA star Jeff Molina from the UFC was leaked and is currently going viral on Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, and other social media sites. Jeff Molina is presently suspended by the New York State Athletic Commission and the Nevada State Athletic Commission due to his significant involvement in the James Krause betting incident.

As long as the legal issues are not resolved, “El Jefe,” who was the No. His suspension prevents him from competing in UFC events as the 13th-ranked flyweight at the time. Twitter users who follow mixed martial arts claimed that Molina was seen acting inappropriately.UFC flyweight Jeff Molina penned down an emotional note as he announced his status as a bi-sexual male. Molina claimed that a private video, that got leaked earlier in the day, triggered him to come out publicly and that we were not the least ashamed of it. In his lengthy note, the flyweight also described the reason behind his conserved nature regarding his pansexuality. He blamed it upon the stereotypical and judgmental fan following that the sport of MMA has accumulated over the years.However, Molina is now facing being outed on social media. He has come out on Twitter to announce that he is bi-sexual after an NSFW video came out with him and another man. 

He stated that he dated girls and how being outed has affected him, as he worries about how his teammates and friends will now look at him. Molina also said, "...In a sport like this, where majority of the fans being homophobic c**ks**kers they are, I didn't see myself doing this during this part of my career. I wanted to be known for my skills and what I've dedicated the last 11 years of my life to not and not the "bi ufc fighter" that I'm sure would just be translated to "gay UFC fighter," said Molina.

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