cbc high school Leaked

 There are two separate incidents being discussed in your message. The first incident involves CBC High School, where a leaked video of students smoking and drinking in a classroom has gone viral on Twitter and Reddit. The incident has sparked outrage among parents, teachers, and the wider community, and the school administration has yet to release a statement regarding the incident.

Parents and teachers are concerned about the impact the video may have on the school's reputation, as CBC High School is known for its academic excellence, and incidents like this can tarnish its image. There are also legal consequences that the school may face if the students involved are found to have broken any laws.

The incident has sparked a wider conversation about the influence of social media on young people's behavior. Many argue that social media platforms encourage risky and dangerous behavior as young people seek attention and popularity. This video is just one example of the negative impact that social media can have on young people.

Moving on to the second incident, teachers from Christian Brothers catholic college have raised concerns about a swastika being etched into a teacher's whiteboard in one of their classrooms. The incident was detailed in a 13-page report compiled by an Independent Education Union of Victoria official and has since been leaked.

St Bernard's College, where Christian Brothers catholic college is located, has 1,600 students from Year 7 through to Year 12. The school's principal, Dr. Michael Davies, has claimed that they take the allegations "extremely seriously" and that the vast majority of the school's students "live our positive values."

Both incidents highlight the need for better education on the dangers of risky behavior and the importance of promoting positive values and respect in schools. The school administrations must take swift action to address these incidents and ensure that they do not happen again in the future

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