AOC latest news

 Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Twitter CEO Elon Musk, and a popular satirical Twitter account impersonating Ocasio-Cortez. The satirical account, @AOCPress, has gained a significant number of followers and engagement, with Musk's interaction boosting its visibility. The account has been reinstated by Twitter and even ranks first in search results for "AOC," which is above Ocasio-Cortez's official account.

Ocasio-Cortez expressed concern about the parody account, stating that it is releasing false policy statements and gaining widespread attention. The account is marked as a parody, but its resemblance to Ocasio-Cortez's real account in users' feeds has led some people to believe its tweets are from the congresswoman herself. One of the tweets from the account plays into a sexist trope, suggesting that Ocasio-Cortez is secretly attracted to Elon Musk.

It seems that the feud between Ocasio-Cortez and Musk on social media has been ongoing, with interactions between them and their followers. Ocasio-Cortez is a prominent user on Bluesky, a Twitter alternative founded by Twitter's co-founder and former CEO, Jack Dorsey.

It is unclear what specific action Ocasio-Cortez hinted at taking against Twitter, but it seems she is assessing the situation with her team to determine how to address the issue.

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