Anush Apetyan leaked video

Anush Apetyan was described as a 36-year-old Armenian soldier and mother of three. She was reportedly captured alive by Azerbaijani forces during the invasion of Armenian lands between September 13 and 14, 2022, specifically in Jermuk.

It is alleged that Apetyan, along with more than 10 other Armenian soldiers, suffered severe mistreatment at the hands of Azerbaijani forces. This reportedly included acts of rape, torture, and mutilation. A video depicting the torture and mutilation of a woman, later identified as Anush Apetyan, began circulating on social media platforms, particularly on Telegram.

According to the description of the viral video, Apetyan appeared to have been subjected to gruesome acts of violence. Her legs were reportedly amputated, and at least one finger was severed and placed in her mouth. It is claimed that her eyes were gouged out and replaced with stones. Meanwhile, the Azerbaijani soldiers surrounding her were allegedly seen celebrating and mocking her.

During a briefing, the Army Chief of Staff addressed the incident and stated that surveillance video had revealed an Azerbaijani military detachment of 50 to 60 individuals withdrawing from northern Jermuk. The rape, mutilation, and killing of Anush Apetyan were described as some of the worst atrocities committed by Azerbaijan against Armenian forces.

The Army Chief of Staff condemned these acts as significant violations of international humanitarian law, accusing Azerbaijan of war crimes. He reaffirmed that no country's army or soldiers have the authority to commit such atrocities. Additionally, he promised that the Armenian Armed Forces would take all necessary steps to protect the security of their homeland.

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