Orlando freefall ride video

 On a tragic day at ICON Park in Orlando, a 14-year-old boy named Tyre Sampson lost his life after falling from the Orlando FreeFall ride, which is billed as the world's tallest free-standing drop tower. The incident was captured on a cell phone video that surfaced on social media, although the video's graphic nature prevented it from being visually shown.

The video, obtained by WKMG, provides an audio recording of the moments leading up to the accident. It shows Tyre Sampson seated on the drop tower ride from a side angle. Interestingly, Sampson's harness appears to be positioned higher compared to the other riders. As the ride descends, the video captures the tragic moment when Sampson falls from his seat.

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According to the accident report submitted to the state by the ride operator, the incident occurred as the ride was coming down the tower and the magnets engaged. It stated that Sampson fell out of his seat during this process. The report also mentioned that the harness was still in a "down and locked position" when the ride eventually stopped.

In response to the tragedy, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried has promised a thorough investigation. She emphasized the importance of not jumping to conclusions until the investigation is completed and the official report is released. The ride has been closed at the park, and the park authorities have not yet provided any comments on the incident.

The Orlando FreeFall ride, which opened in December, is designed to hold up to 30 people and is considered the world's tallest free-standing drop tower, reaching a height of 400 feet and reaching speeds of approximately 75 mph.

Unfortunately, this is not the first fatality at ICON Park. In September 2020, a park employee named Jacob Kaminsky lost his life after falling more than 50 feet while conducting a safety check on the park's 450-foot spinning swing ride.

Tyre Sampson's father, Yarnell Sampson, revealed that his son had a sense that something was wrong as soon as the ride began. Tyre started to panic and expressed his concerns to his friends seated next to him on the ride. He even asked them to inform his parents that he loved them if he didn't make it down safely.

The investigation into the incident is still ongoing, and it is crucial to await the official findings to determine the exact cause of this tragic accident.

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