Montgomery Alabama fight video

Montgomery, Alabama. The incident drew national attention, with details about pending arrests remaining unclear as of Monday morning. The Montgomery Police Department confirmed on Sunday afternoon that there were four active warrants issued in relation to the brawl, and more could follow pending a review of additional video recordings.


The incident began around 7 p.m. on Saturday on the dock along the Alabama River. The police were called to the 200 block of Coosa Street due to a disturbance. Upon arrival, officers found a large group of people involved in a physical fight.

A video submitted by a witness shows the altercation taking place just feet from the water. The witness claimed that the brawl started over a pontoon boat blocking the dock reserved for the city-owned Harriott II Riverboat to dock. Multiple videos of the incident show people being punched, kicked, shoved, and at least one individual was knocked off the pier and into the water.

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The Montgomery Police Department detained several individuals, but did not identify them, stating that charges were pending. On Sunday, it was confirmed that there were four active warrants issued relating to the fight, and that additional warrants may be issued following the review of more videos.

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Montgomery Mayor Steven L. Reed commented on the incident, stating on social media that the police acted swiftly to detain several individuals who had attacked a man who was doing his job. According to Jasmine Williams of WSFA and Josh Moon of the Alabama Political Reporter, the man being attacked was a black dock worker, and the attackers were white. In the video, a white man initiates the attack on the black man, after which the fight escalates with several other individuals joining in.

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Mayor Reed commented that the incident was unfortunate and should never have occurred. He emphasized that the police department is investigating the incident and that those who choose violence will be held accountable by the criminal justice system.

However, as of Sunday, the authorities had not released the names of the detained suspects. The Montgomery Police Department has not provided further information regarding how many suspects were detained, whether they remain in custody or have been released, or if they are connected to the four active warrants issued. More updates are expected on Monday afternoon.

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This major altercation reportedly began over a dispute about a dock space and escalated rapidly, involving dozens of people. Videos show people being punched, kicked, and even thrown into the river. The incident is currently under intense scrutiny and investigation by the police, with four arrest warrants already issued and the possibility of more to follow. The event has provoked a strong reaction nationwide, with further details eagerly awaited.

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