paul pierce viral video

 Former Boston Celtics player and NBA champion, Paul Pierce, caused a stir with a video he uploaded on Instagram that showed him enjoying a lively party, surrounded by scantily-clad women. The video, in which the 43-year-old Pierce appeared to be in high spirits, sparked criticism and amusement from fans and fellow NBA players, past and present.

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In the now-viral video, Pierce was seen getting a haircut, playing poker, and engaging with a group of exotic dancers who were present at the party. The retired NBA player seemed to be having a good time, offering his followers a glimpse into his off-screen life.However, the content of the video was deemed too provocative by ESPN, where Pierce had been working as an analyst since the 2017-2018 season. ESPN, which is owned by the family-friendly Walt Disney Company, found the nature of the Instagram Live video, combined with the absence of face masks amid the ongoing global health concerns, to be contrary to the image they wish to uphold. As a result, they ended their professional relationship with Pierce.

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During his two-decade long career in the NBA, Pierce achieved considerable accolades including being the NBA Finals Most Valuable Player in 2008, the 10th overall pick in the 1998 NBA draft, and an NBA Champion in 2008.

After his departure from ESPN, Pierce joined the ranks of other retired NBA players who transitioned into the role of a sports analyst, such as Charles Barkley, Shaquille O’Neill, and Kenny Smith. Some, like Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson, started their own shows such as the “All The Smoke” podcast.

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Michelle Beadle, another analyst who parted ways with ESPN, referenced Pierce's exit during her “What Did I Miss?” podcast with The Athletic. She humorously contrasted her quiet departure from the network with Pierce's, which was more public due to the Instagram video controversy.

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