lauren boebert video beetlejuice viral

 U.S. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert and Quinn Gallagher were reportedly on a date and attended a performance of the musical Beetlejuice.

- The pair's behavior, which included vaping, taking pictures, and singing along, caused disturbances. This resulted in complaints and they were eventually asked to leave the venue.

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- Boebert, 36, and Gallagher, 46, have reportedly been dating secretly for a few months.

- After the incident at the theater, the couple was seen outside, with Boebert appearing playful and affectionate with Gallagher.

- Boebert is currently in the process of divorcing Jason, her husband of 18 years, with whom she has four children. She has emphasized her faithfulness throughout the marriage.

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- Quinn Gallagher is from Boebert's hometown of Rifle, Colorado. He was previously married in 2006 to Aleece Alexander and they divorced in 2013. They have one child together.

- Gallagher and Boebert both have backgrounds in the hospitality industry. Boebert formerly owned Shooter's Grill in Rifle, Colorado, known for its gun-carrying waitstaff.

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- Recent footage showed Boebert using a vape, which she previously denied. She also took a selfie with a flash during the show and danced in her seat, causing distractions.

- A pregnant woman sitting behind Boebert objected to her vaping. Boebert responded negatively, and she was eventually asked to leave the theatre. Gallagher, seemingly embarrassed by Boebert's actions, offered to buy the woman a drink.

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