The island boys viral on social media

 TikTok stars Flyysoulja and Kodiyakredd, collectively known as The Island Boys, gained attention after sharing videos of them kissing. Recently, Flyysoulja came out as gay and asserted that he identifies as a top. This declaration comes after previously stating they were both straight. The videos caused controversy, with some accusing them of 'incest baiting.' Despite the backlash, the twins' actions have been a subject of interest, especially on their OnlyFans account

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The Island Boys, Flyysoulja and Kodiyakredd, have faced a rollercoaster of reactions from the public due to their social media presence. The twins gained notoriety for their provocative content, including videos of them kissing, which sparked debates and accusations of inappropriate behavior.

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Initially, the duo denied any sexual intent behind their kissing videos, but their stance changed when Flyysoulja came out as gay in a new video. This revelation surprised many, given their previous statements about being straight males. Some speculate that their actions may have been a strategy to gain attention and boost their OnlyFans subscriptions

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In addition to the controversies surrounding their relationship and content, The Island Boys have faced other public incidents. On a podcast appearance, they had a heated exchange with the host over financial advice, which led to tension and an abrupt exit. Later, they were involved in a misunderstanding at a boxing event, where rumors circulated that they were kicked out for misbehavior.


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