keke palmer darius jackson

 Keke Palmer has submitted security camera footage as part of her request for a restraining order against her ex, Darius Jackson. The footage allegedly shows him physically assaulting her in her home. 

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In court, she sought sole custody of her 8-month-old son, Leodis Andrellton Jackson, without specifying the grounds initially. However, she also filed for a restraining order, citing "many instances of physical violence" by Darius, including an incident as recent as Sunday.

Newly obtained documents reveal that Keke is presenting footage recorded in February 2022, where she claims Darius "choked me and body slammed me onto the stairs." This allegedly occurred after he became "violently jealous and irrationally angry over a bikini picture" she showed him on her phone, stating, "I simply showed it to him as I was proud of what I had accomplished."

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 Keke alleges Darius abused her over two days, with the security footage capturing some of the incidents, including him allegedly grabbing her around the neck and slamming her on the stairs.

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In her legal filing, Keke Palmer accuses Darius Jackson of abusive behavior as recently as Nov. 5. She claims he trespassed into her home without her knowledge, threatened and physically attacked her, including lunging for her neck, striking her, throwing her over the couch, and stealing her phone when she threatened to call the police. Security camera stills of the alleged attack are included in the filing.

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Keke recounts another alleged physical assault on Feb. 13, 2022, where she claims Darius body-slammed her onto the stairs by her neck. 

She details multiple instances of physical violence, including him hitting her in front of their son and grabbing her by the neck. The filing also mentions other abusive actions, such as destroying personal property, throwing her belongings into the street, spewing profanities about her to their son, and threatening self-harm with a gun if she left him.

Full custody of their son, a restraining order with no contact and stay-away orders, and measures related to a handgun owned by Jackson were granted. A hearing is scheduled for Dec. 5.

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