Zak zinter viral video

 The Michigan vs. Ohio State game took a tragic turn when Zak Zinter, a 2022 second-team All-American and highly regarded prospective first-team All-America offensive lineman, suffered a gruesome leg injury in the third quarter. Zinter, a linchpin of one of college football's best offensive lines, was carted off the field to resounding cheers from the Michigan crowd, with quarterback J.J. McCarthy consoling Zinter's parents.

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In an almost cosmic twist, following Zinter's departure, Blake Corum scored a 22-yard touchdown behind Michigan's offensive line, propelling them to a 24-17 lead. Corum's celebration included a poignant tribute, holding up the numbers "6-5" in recognition of Zinter. The injury occurred when an Ohio State player was blocked into Zinter while he was engaged in a block. Zinter, a 22-year-old offensive guard and senior on the team, had earned first-time All-Big Ten honors in 2022 and was a pivotal figure in the Wolverines program.

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The Michigan vs. Ohio State showdown on Thanksgiving weekend held immense significance, with both rivals ranked in the top three nationally and the game carrying National Championship playoff implications. After Zinter's injury, Michigan quarterback J.J. McCarthy was seen embracing Zinter's parents, and Blake Corum scored a touchdown, holding up a "65" sign in tribute to Zinter, who wears that shirt number.

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Hailing from the New England-to-Michigan pipeline, Zinter, a four-star prospect and 265th overall, was a talent widely recognized from the start. Despite expectations that linemen often need time to develop, Zinter found himself in the starting lineup early due to injuries and lineup changes in 2020, gaining valuable experience as a true freshman.

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As Zinter approaches his true junior season, he stands as the youngest projected starter on the offensive line. Despite his youth, Zinter, acknowledged by his All-Big Ten selection, possesses significant experience, particularly showcased during last season's College Football Playoff run. The right guard position remains firmly in his hands, and his decision about his future in Ann Arbor awaits. Whether he opts for the draft or another season, Zinter's performance in 2021 positions him favorably on draft boards. Michigan anticipates continued strength across the offensive line, promising an exciting season watching Zinter and his teammates dominate both the run and pass games.

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