frank ocean chris brown video

Chris Brown and Frank Ocean were involved in a tussle outside a West Hollywood recording studio Sunday night, with the latter claiming he came away with a cut finger after the altercation.

“The altercation allegedly led to Chris Brown punching the victim,” the Los Angeles County Sherrif’s Department said in a statement released early Monday morning. Though Brown’s victim was not identified by police, a department source tells TMZ they are referring to Ocean as “the victim” because he stayed at the scene and spoke to police.

In all, six people were said to be involved in the fight — no other participants have been identified. According to the AP, the incident is being investigated and Brown will be contacted later for questioning, however no arrests were made.

 Chris Brown‘s fight with Frank Ocean has the controversial singer comparing himself to Jesus on the cross.

On Monday, Brown posted an Instagram photo depicting a crucifixion scene with the caption: “Painting the way I feel today. Focus on what matters!”

The night before, Brown and Ocean — the acclaimed, Grammy-nominated It Artist of R&B — engaged in a brawl in the parking lot of a Los Angeles recording studio. Ocean allegedly blocked Brown from pulling out of a spot, TMZ reported, and a fight broke out after Brown attempted to shake Ocean’s hand.

Chris Brown has been criticized for failing to join the crowd in giving singer Frank Ocean a standing ovation during his win at Sunday night's Grammy Awards.

Ocean, whose ongoing feud with Brown reached new heights after a violent brawl just two weeks ago, edged out the 23-year-old to win the Grammy for Best Urban Contemporary Album for "Channel Orange." As the 25-year-old approached the stage, cameras caught an awkward shot of Brown who while politely clapping, remained in his seat, according to the New York Daily News.

Fans flocked to social networking site Twitter to weigh in on the alleged snub and while some blasted Brown as being a "sore loser," others stated that they weren't surprised due to the pair's history

She's known for speaking her mind and at the Grammys on Sunday evening Adele didn't hold back after she saw Chris Brown snub singer Frank Ocean's win.

Sore loser stayed seated as Frank Ocean took to the stage to accept his first ever Grammy and refused to join in the standing ovation.

The 24-year-old new mother, could be seen staring across at the singer, shaking her head, and soon after appeared to give Brown, 23, a piece of her mind.

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