alligator attack of Florida video

 Terrifying video captures the moment a 10-foot-long alligator lunges at an 85-year-old woman in Florida — dragging her to her death as she tries to protect her dog from the beast.Chilling footage of Wednesday’s horrifying alligator attack on an 85-year-old woman in the southern United States state of Florida has emerged on social media.A video has emerged showing the moments before a 85-year-old Florida woman was fatally attacked by an alligator while walking her dog in a retirement community. 

Gloria Serge was by a retention pond behind her house in Fort Pierce, Florida, on Monday when the 10-foot-long alligator crawled up from the water and first tried to attack her dog. The surveillance footage shows the reptile swimming in a direct path toward Serge’s dog before it rises out of the water and scampers up the embankment in pursuit of the animal. 

There is dramatic new video of the actual moment the gator lunged out of the water at Gloria Serge and her dog.

"Inside Edition" obtained the horrifying footage which shows Gloria looking away from the pond, and at the same time, you can see the alligator speeding through the water toward her.

The video showed how the 3m-long reptile silently followed her and her dog from afar before it finally surged out of the lake and lunged at the pooch called Trooper.

The dog managed to get out of harm’s way but the alligator went for Ms Gloria Serge, who was dragged into the water and mauled to death.Trooper survived the attack but Ms Serge succumbed to her injuries. The alligator, which weighed between 270kg and 320kg, was caught and later euthanised.

Florida has a population of 1.3 million alligators across its 67 counties, and they can be found in practically all fresh water bodies and occasionally in salt water.

But the number of cases of people being attacked by alligators in the state is small.But the vicious reptile is too fast and she only manages to walk a few feet before it scrambles out of the water and tries to attack the dog.

Serge, who desperately tried to protect her pet from its massive jaws, was dragged underwater and killed in the shocking attack.

Neighbor Carol Thomas told Inside Edition that she tried to help Serge while speaking with 911.There’s a woman in the lake! The alligator’s got her!” Thomas tells the dispatcher. “I think she’s gone. Oh my God!”

Thomas said she tried to use a pole to pull Serge to safety.There is no way I could have gotten to her sooner,” she told the outlet.

The alligator, which is reported to weigh between 600 and 700 pounds, was trapped and killed by a nuisance gator trapper. 

"Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with the family and friends of the victim," the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said in a statement. "Serious injuries caused by alligators are rare in Florida." 

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