madison brooks Leaked

 A leaked video clip of LSU student Madison Brooks arguing with her alleged rapists in a car moments before she was fatally struck by a rideshare vehicle was “hurtful and shameful,” her mother’s attorney said.

The footage, taken by one of the men, was released by their defense attorneys to WBRZ last week. The attorney representing the family of Louisiana State University sophomore Madison Brooks condemned a new video of the dead student in the back of a car with her alleged rapists. Madison Brooks, a 19-year-old sophomore at Louisiana State University, was killed after being struck by an Uber in Baton Rouge in January.Casen Carver, 18, and Everett Lee, 28, are charged with principal to third-degree rape, with prosecutors claiming they were in the front seats of the car when the alleged rape happened.

The video shows the Alpha Phi sorority girl slurring her words and arguing with the four accused rapists at 3am in East Baton Rouge last month moments before she was allegedly raped, tossed to the side of the road and later run over by another car.As she gets out of the car, she can be heard calling the driver, Casen Carver, “gay,” the short clip shows before abruptly ending. Shortly afterward, Brooks was hit by a car and later declared dead at the hospital.

In January, the defense released a short video that showed Brooks running after her alleged attackers after leaving Reggie’s bar and on the way to their car in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.It’s one thing to defend your clients. It’s another to try the case in the media,” Miller said. “It shows a level of desperation.”

However, prosecutors have argued that Brooks was too intoxicated to consent to sex.

Her blood-alcohol content was 0.319% — nearly four times the legal limit at the time of the alleged rape, authorities said. Carver, also 18, and a fourth passenger, 28-year-old Everett Lee, were each charged with principle to third-degree rape, meaning they witnessed but did not participate in the sexual assault.

The district attorney’s office is reportedly considering upgrading charges against Carver and Lee as more evidence is presented to the grand jury, Fox reported.The footage, taken by one of the defendants, was released by their attorney to WBRZ last week.

“I’m sorry that I offended you that bad,” Ms Brooks says from the middle seat in the back of the car.

“Take her home,” one of the men off-camera then tells the others.

“Get out, get out. I will Uber on my own,” she says to the man sitting next to her, who steps out of the car so she could exit.

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