killer whales sinking boats leaked

 Last week, off the coast of Portugal, a terrifying event unfolded as a French boat found itself under attack by a pod of killer whales measuring approximately 25 feet in length. The crew of the boat was sailing north of Porto when the violent orcas began their assault on the vessel, relentlessly smashing into it for a staggering 45 minutes before eventually causing it to sink.

The crew members aboard the boat experienced a harrowing ordeal as the orcas circled their yacht and started ramming into it, causing severe damage, particularly to the rudder. Disturbing footage captured the moment when the 12-meter boat rapidly filled up with water due to the unrelenting attacks by the orcas. The water level inside the vessel rose, reaching the waists of the four sailors, while their belongings floated around them.

Amidst the chaos, one of the crew members was seen lying in the flooded cabin, desperately calling for help from the coastguard during the horrifying ordeal. One of the sailors, Eliott, recounted the panic that ensued as they realized the boat was going to sink. The crew was forced to take refuge in a life raft while the orcas were still present in the surrounding waters. However, by the time they left the boat, the aggressive orcas had disappeared.

Fortunately, all four crew members managed to reach dry land safely, escaping the sinking boat and the relentless attacks of the killer whales.

This incident is part of a series of encounters between orcas and boats along the Atlantic coasts of Spain and Portugal that scientists have been observing. Prior to this incident, sailors in the area had already been warned to remain in port at night, as shocking videos had emerged showing orcas attempting to capsize boats. In fact, the Strait of Gibraltar has witnessed 20 similar incidents in just the past month.

The attack on the French boat was captured on video by April Boyes, a member of the four-person crew. They were traveling from the Azores to the Strait of Gibraltar when the assault took place. Boyes, who is also a marine life advocate, emphasized the importance of conducting further research into these encounters and exploring non-harmful deterrents that could be employed to prevent such incidents. She expressed her belief that demonizing orcas is not the solution and that a better understanding of their behavior is needed.

In conclusion, the attack on the French boat by a pod of orcas off the coast of Portugal was a terrifying event that resulted in the sinking of the vessel. The incident highlights the need for further research and measures to better understand and manage such encounters between orcas and human vessels.

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