ruby docherty train video

 there was an incident on a train involving two women, and one of them took to TikTok to share her side of the story. The TikTok video in question was posted by user @lois.rose0, although it is mentioned that the woman's account was banned, so the video being referenced is reposted content.

The TikToker alleges that the altercation began when another woman sat next to her and immediately started using offensive language. Specifically, she swore at the TikToker, demanding that she "turn the f*cking music down" that she was listening to and to "stop vaping." This suggests that the TikToker was playing music and using a vaping device at the time.

Click here to watch the video 

As the argument progressed, it supposedly escalated into a shouting match between the two women. The intensity of the conflict led to its viral spread online, with the incident gaining attention once again after trending earlier in the year.

In the TikTok video, the woman behind the account expresses her belief that the other woman should have let go of the issue, indicating that she thinks the situation could have been resolved or avoided altogether if the other party had chosen to drop the matter.

It is important to remember that this account of the incident is based solely on the information provided and lacks additional context. Consequently, it is difficult to make a definitive judgment or fully comprehend the situation without access to the original TikTok video or additional perspectives. Conflicts can often have multiple sides, and it is essential to consider different viewpoints and gather more information before drawing conclusions.

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