arriba markitos toys video

 The association between influencer Markitos Toys and the security chief for the "Chapitos" wing of the Sinaloa drug cartel, Nestor Isidro Pérez Salas (El Nini), has sparked controversy following El Nini's arrest on November 22, 2023. In a recent video, Markitos, born Marcos Eduardo Castro, tearfully acknowledged his friendship with El Nini but vehemently denied any involvement in criminal activities, emphasizing he had no control over El Nini's actions.

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Despite Markitos stating his gratitude for the friendship, social media users remained skeptical, particularly after an alleged official document identified Marcos Eduardo, alias 'Markitos,' as the financial operator for El Nini.

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Markitos Toys, a YouTube content creator with over 3.7 million subscribers from Culiacán, Sinaloa, is known for motor and off-road vehicle content. Controversies, including a 2020 arrest, mark his past. Recent accusations suggest he laundered money for El Nini based on the document linking him to the cartel.

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The document also implicated Markitos' cousin, Kevin Daniel Castro Beltrán, arrested on November 23 for cartel association. Spanish media reported a disturbing video showing victims being mutilated, forced to declare Markitos Toys' involvement. The situation has thrust the influencer into intense scrutiny and speculation regarding his alleged ties to criminal activities.

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