Tyler Bigenho video

 The controversy surrounding Dr. Tyler Bigenho centers on a viral video showcasing a neck adjustment with a distinctive cracking sound. Despite Dr. Bigenho's entrepreneurial success and efforts to use social media for informative content, the video has brought his chiropractic practices under intense scrutiny.

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Dr. Bigenho, known for founding Clean Spine Chiropractic, has faced accusations of recklessness and negligence in the video. Critics argue that his approach appeared overly aggressive, especially considering the delicate nature of neck manipulations. Twitter became a focal point for discussions, with critics contending that the chiropractor's actions demonstrated arrogance and a lack of caution.

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Supporters, however, maintain that Dr. Bigenho, as an experienced chiropractor, prioritized the safety of the patient. Nevertheless, the public outcry has led to growing demands for a formal investigation into his practices. Calls for chiropractic boards to implement stricter disciplinary oversight have gained momentum, reflecting broader concerns about ethics in spinal care.

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The scandal has ignited debates about the dissemination of potentially misleading information regarding chiropractic practices to the public. As the controversy unfolds, Dr. Bigenho's future in the chiropractic community remains uncertain.

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 The situation highlights the delicate balance between safety, expertise, and ethical considerations in the field of chiropractic care, emphasizing the challenges faced by the community in addressing public concerns amid social media scrutiny.

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