Doja Cat leaked video

 Doja Cat responded to the video in a TikTok live stream where she said that while she hopes they can be ‘chill about it’ as he’s just ‘a kid’, she described his actions as 'borderline snake s**t' and 'weasel s**t.As demonstrated by Social Blade, which tracks social media statistics and analytics, the Schnapp's Instagram following jumped from 24.25 million on Wednesday, July 6, to 26 million as of today (20 July).

The Grammy award winner one the other hand, fell from 24.34 million to 24.14 million over the same time period, losing just over 200k followers. As demonstrated by Social Blade, which tracks social media statistics and analytics, the Schnapp's Instagram following jumped from 24.25 million on Wednesday, July 6, to 26 million as of today (20 July).

The Grammy award winner one the other hand, fell from 24.34 million to 24.14 million over the same time period, losing just over 200k followers. 

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